mardi 21 mai 2024

Katzelkraft - The purr-fect crime?

Hi everyone!
I'm back with a new Katzelkraft card! ...showing two more new stamps! :))

I had actually made this background for another card, but in the end I didn't like it at all, at least not for the card it was intended for. For today's card, however, I thought it was super cool! It's a bit dark, but let's assume the little detective is investigating the crime scene at night. 

I first painted the black background with gesso, leaving the edges blank.
After the gesso was dry, I placed a small amount of dark blue and yellow acrylic paints on the card. I spread these over the card with the help of an old credit card. On the still wet yellow stripe, I put a little bit of red paint and mixed it with the yellow to get the orange. I let everything dry well and then added splotches of red, white and black paint. - Let it dry again.

I stamped the VespaVespa once on the card and once on Bristol paper. Colored it with alcohol ink markers, cut it out and glued it to the card.
For the detective, on the other hand, I used the paper piecing technique. I stamped the hat and coat on Design paper, the cat on Kraft paper and the shirt on Bristol paper. I then cut everything out and glued the parts back together. Lightened the face, paws and tail with a white pastel crayon. Colored the tie with red. Stamped the detectiv onto the card and added the one I'd paper pieced.
Finally, I added the sentiment which is part of the detective stamp and made a couple of white gel pen lines on the Vespa.

It sounds like a complicated card, but it's not!

Hope you like it. - See you next Tuesday with a new Katzelkraft inspiration! ;)

If you would like to see more of my Katzelkraft creations, 
just click on the Katzelkraft label at the end of the post, or here.

I used:

...just click on the image to go to the store and see it in full size.

Linked up with:
Pearly Sparkles - Cats and Dogs
Daisy Chain - Boys/Men
Dream Valley - Man or Boy
Classic Design - Anything Goes with pot. Twist: Masculine
We Love to Create - Anything Mixed Media Goes
613 Avenue Create - Anything Goes with opt. Twist: For the Kids 
A Place to Start - Anything Goes

I used:
Stamps: All (Katzelkraft); 
Inks: Onyx Black (Versafine);
Alcohol ink markers, acrylic paint, Design paper, white gel pen, white pastel crayon,


7 commentaires:

  1. Brilliant card and background which yes is perfect for the fabulous images,love the paper pieced cat and great sentiment.
    Carol x
    Thank you for joining us at Pearly Sparkles.
    Carol DT x

  2. Bow!! Genial gemacht und die Katze ist soooo toll!!! Bises

  3. Fabulous image and design - I love how you have paper-pieced the cat!
    Thank you for sharing your card in our challenge at Dream Valley.
    Sharon – Dream Valley Challenge Designer - Stop by and see me!!!

  4. Your background is stunning and perfect for this little kitty. Love all of the deep colors. Thanks so much for playing with us at the Sisterhood!

  5. a very beautiful and particular card, very elaborate, congratulations. Thanks for joining Dream Valley Taty x DT

  6. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner

  7. He he he this is awesome!
    Thanks for coming outdoors with Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers!


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